Get involved in your student's fine arts education with
Patrons of the Performing Arts
Perks of Patronage
Level 1 (1 PoPA Point)
- Recieve 2 free tickets to a choir concert
Level 2 (5 PoPA Points)
- Receive early access to assigned seats for the Holiday Concert
- Sit in reserved prime seats at all other concerts (general admission)
What is PoPA?
Patrons of the Performing Arts (PoPA) is a parent and community booster organization whose mission is to support through volunteers and fundraisors the students and teachers for performing arts at West Aurora High School. PoPA is a registered 501(c)4 organization.
As a parent, you have a unique opportunity to support your child's performing arts education.
Is there a commitment?
There is no membership fee to be a Patron. We ask only that you give what you are able in time or money to help support our students.
How can I help?
An easy way to get started is by coming to one of our meetings to get connected and find out how you can help. See below for our upcoming meetings. If you are unable to attend, or would like to find out how you can volunteer your time sooner, please feel free to use the contact form to get in touch with a board-member.
Monetary donations can be made with checks made out to : PoPA. See the "Giving" page to learn about how your donation can help!
PoPA Points:
Recieve points for your patronage
1 Point = 1 hour of service or $25 monetary donation